Friday, 9 April 2021

Creating our magic wand

Hello everybody. Today in English we have created a wand, very similar to Harry's wand. His wand measures 28 centimetres and is made of holly with a phoenix father in the center. Here you have the picture of Harry's wand.

Focusing on our wand, we will give you the steps that we have followed in class in order to design our magic wand. 

STEP 1:  get a wooden stick that is between 25 and 33 centimeters long. Make sure it is not thicker than your finger, that it is close to the length you want and that it is fairly straight.

STEP 2: sand one end of the wooden stick so that it is rounded. This will form the tip. Start with a coarse-grained sandpaper . If you are going to use a stick, you should sand any sharp, pointed or serrated end. 

STEP 3: considering sticking an account o button to the base of the wand. Some wands have a bulge at the end of the handle. You can make one by sticking a button or a smart account to the end with glue.

STEP 4: use hot melt glue to draw designs on the rest of the wand. This is ideal for creating spiral designs on the wand. You can do it by turning the wand between your fingers while drawing with the glue gun.

STEP 5: paint the wand with the colours that you like the most and let it dry. Now, you are ready to start making spells.

In case that you have any doubt, click on that link and you will find a video with all the procedure until arrive to this magic wand. Hope you enjoy it! Creating my own magic wand

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Creating our magic wand

Hello everybody. Today in English we have created a wand, very similar to Harry's wand. His wand measures 28 centimetres and is made of ...

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