Thursday, 17 December 2020

E-twinning project: Christmas letters.

Last week at our English sessions we were writing a letter to our twinned school in Ireland.

Before starting this written task, we watched an introductory video for the students to remember the basic Christmas vocabulary worked during the unit. Here you have the video:

The main objective was to explain our traditions during the Christmas period. For this, we use the vocabulary learned during this unit as well as the grammatical structure of continuous present. It is a very interesting activity that allows us to get closer to other cultures and their customs. In this way, we can compare them with ours, always showing an attitude of respect and tolerance for differences.

Our students have really enjoyed this activity and are eager to receive your letter, in which the Irish students explain how Christmas is celebrated in Ireland. Here we attach some pictures of our students writing their letters. We hope you like this initiative so enriching and useful to expand our vision of the world.

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